a beginners guide to an seo friendly article
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A Beginner’s Guide to an SEO Friendly Article

As a website owner, you will naturally want to see your content on top of the search results. A well-optimized SEO will help you get more organic results, for sure. Moreover, the way you write your articles on your website affects your SEO and, ultimately, your website traffic. In this article, we’ll show you ways to write an SEO friendly article.

How to Create SEO Friendly Article?

Some aspects cannot be ignored if you are writing an article compatible with SEO.

  • The Usage of Keywords: Keywords an important factor for SEO. Thus, choosing the most appropriate keywords for your content will improve your SEO.
  • SEO Friendly URLs: It is important to generate SEO friendly URLs to help search engine crawlers to crawl and index your web pages better.
  • Content Quality: No matter what you are writing about, your content must be engaging, easily understandable, and on-point. Word count also matters according to your subject. High-quality content will also help your website’s ranking and improve your visibility on the search engine result page.
  • Inserting Images: Images play an essential role in making a web page look attractive and enjoyable to your target audience. However, image selection is critical as the images should be connected to the web page’s content. Moreover, optimizing the image by adding keywords and alt tags in the image file, keeping the file size down as much as possible, helps the web page get crawled more easily.
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seo friendly article

FAQs About SEO Friendly Article

Why do we need SEO Friendly Article?

We need SEO content on web pages for serving better content for both search engines and website visitors. It is a good way to make search engines understand web content. 

What is SEO in content writing?

SEO involves making webpages more engaging to search engines as a means to boost traffic. The difficulty of SEO writing is to adjust the content to help search engines rank it, while also remaining engaging and appealing to the reader.

How do I find SEO keywords?

To find your SEO keywords, you first need to study your niche and define your goals. Then make a list of relevant topics and find out about your competitors.

SEO Content In Conclusion

Creating SEO friendly article will not only attract visitors to your website but also improve your rankings.  If you want to learn more about the app, we cover up many other popular topics in our articles.

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